Wednesday, November 28, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 28
Today I'm thankful for how well my 2 sweet girls get along. I pray this lasts forever ;)
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 27
Today I'm thankful for cooler weather. I love being able to turn off the AC, work around the house without dying in the heat, pull out my cozy sweaters, soups in the crockpot, and warm roaring fires in the fireplace!! <3
Monday, November 26, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 26
Today I'm thankful for the snuggles we've gotten with the girls this morning while watching cartoons. Thankful to have a few days with Garrett off to recover from all the holiday festivities. Thankful to not have to rush out of bed to do anything this morning <3
Sunday, November 25, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 25
Today I'm thankful for my sweet mom, Nancy Scoggins Keithley! Without her I'd be lost a lot of the time. I'm thankful she is always there for advice, love, prayers, or a hug. Thanks mom! Love you bunches and happy birthday <3
Saturday, November 24, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 24
Today I'm thankful for this gorgeous day! It's the perfect day to be outdoors. Man, God sure can paint a pretty picture ;)
Friday, November 23, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 23, Part 2
I'm super thankful for the Christmas music on KSBJ today!!! No bah humbugs here!! I absolutely LOVE Christmas music <3
0 Day of Thankfulness 23
Today I'm thankful to have been blessed with so much wonderful family, that we have one last Thanksgiving lunch to eat (makes 3 total meals for us). ;) I'm thankful for the hands that will prepare that meal and for all of the family we will get to spend the day with! I'm also very thankful for 2 girls who slept until 8:00 this morning. We needed that recharge!! Hope everyone has a safe Black Friday!
Thursday, November 22, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 22
Today I'm mighty thankful for all the family we will see today and all the food we will be feasting upon. I'm thankful for the many hands who made the food and for those that traveled just to be with our family today. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, gives thanks for their many blessings, has safe travels, and enjoys some amazing food!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 21
Today I'm thankful for "vacations". What might seem like a simple visit to Garrett's parents, is always like a mini vacation. I'm thankful that Ava and Emma are surrounded by so many people that love them to death. I'm thankful to have woken up to greet another day. <3
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 20
Today I'm so very thankful for the opportunity to be a stay at home mom. This chance is a blessing that I didn't think I'd ever have. I love getting to see all the funny, loving moments and the milestones. I'm thankful I don't have to worry about missing those things with them. I'm also thankful that my hubby is so supportive and hard working. Without him being such an amazing man, this wouldn't be possible. Thank you Lord for this awesome opportunity and for helping us provide to have this chance to be home with our girls! With You all things are possible!! <3
Monday, November 19, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 19
I'm thankful for the snuggles I've gotten with my 4 year old this morning. I'm also thankful for our Financial Peace University class we've been taking at church. It has given Garrett and I a new hope in regards ot our finances. We are in control of them now, and that ereases all the anxiety that is normally involved. So thankful that this class came at a point in our marriage when we really needed it. Totally have to give that thanks to our Heavenly Father, to our church for answering the call by offering the class, and to Chris Pace for being such an amazing teacher :)
Sunday, November 18, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 18
Today I'm thankful to have a wonderful church to go worship at this morning. I'm thankful God gave us another beautiful day. I'm thankful for Sunday's <3
Saturday, November 17, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 17
Today I'm thankful for those days of relaxation. Those days where you don't have to go anywhere, the husband doesn't have to work, and you can just putter around the house. That's what today is. Thank you Lord for giving us days like today. They always come along when you need them most <3
Friday, November 16, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 16
Today I'm thankful for a roof over my head. This roof covers a house full of love and is a safe haven for my little family. I'm thankful to raise my girls so they know that the door on our home will always be open to them no matter what. I'm thankful to have the peace that wherever my family is together, that will be home. Thank you Lord for providing more than just a structure for us to live in. Thank you for helping us to make it safe, loving, non-judgmental, full of laughter, and most importantly, a Christian home. <3
Thursday, November 15, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 15
Today I'm thankful for our local Christian radio station, KSBJ. Listening to them regularly has added one more positive to my day. I'm also thankful to hear my 4 year old singing along to the songs. It blesses my heart to hear her singing and smiling ear to ear the whole time. KSBJ is a tremendous blessing not only for me and my family, but for our city as well. <3
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 14
Today I'm thankful for the talents God has given me. I'm thankful to have a love for all things junky, crafty, and DIY. I'm thankful to not be scared to get my hands dirty, or make mistakes. I love, love, love seeing every finished product produced with my own two hands. None of those things would be possible without God giving me the strength and zeal to just give something a try. Thank you Lord for blessing me with these God-given talents! <3
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 13
Today I'm thankful for Garrett's parents. They raised an amazing man who is a hardworking, loving soul. They are wonderful grandparents to the girls and love them with an unconditional love. They have been there for Garrett and I when we needed love and prayers and we always know we can count on them if we ever need anything! Thank y'all for being such hardworking people, for loving the way you do, and for being you! We love y'all bunches <3
Monday, November 12, 2012
0 Day of Thankfulness 12
Today I'm thankful for my extended family! There are so many amazing people in my family that have so much love for me and my little family. Even though we are all spread out, family is family and always will be. We are blessed to have each of you in our lives. You are each wonderful in your own way and I'm proud to call you family :) Love you all!!
Sunday, November 11, 2012
0 30 Days of Thankfulness - Days 1-11
Hey y'all. Welcome back to The Paisley Texan Creates. Some of you may have heard about or seen this 30 Days of Thankfulness craze on Facebook. The past few years, during the month of November, seeing everyone else giving thanks, I never took the time to sit down and actually purposely think about what I was thankful for. This year I decided to give it a whirl and see where it would lead me.
The past 11 days, I've taken the time daily to stop and think about those things that I'm truly thankful for. I feel like it has enriched my life and given me a great start to my day. It has opened up some great time in prayer for me and my days have been less stressful, I feel, and given me a more positive approach to my day.
I think I will continue this daily routine, past the 30 Days of Thankfulness. Giving thanks for the many things I take for granted and don't recognize enough, should be a part of everyone's daily routine. Isn't that something that God would want us to do? Give thanks for those things He blesses us with? Pray for those things and not take them for granted? I'm so thankful for having started the 30 Days of Thankfulness, it is changing me because I've opened myself up to accept that change. I'm loving what I see and loving putting it into words.
I've decided to post them daily here on my blog as well as on my Facebook. I hope you will join me and take the time to give a quick thanks for something or someone different daily. I think you will find it to be fulfilling and a great start to your day!! You don't have to post it for everyone to see, but I've enjoyed being able to go back and look at what I've been thankful for.
I recently found this idea on Pinterest for a jar where you write something good from your day and put it in the jar. You do this every day, then on New Year's Eve you take them out and read them, or as a family you each take turns reading them. I thought, hey, that could be done with a 30 Days of Thankfulness approach. You could write down daily what you are giving thanks for, then at the end of the year, read them. Would be a great way to recap your year and focus on the positive and thankful things, not the negative or hard things. Also, a great New Years resolution too, purposely give thanks daily for something or someone specific.
I'd love to hear about your journey with 30 Days of Thankfulness, if you decide to add this to your daily quiet time, or take a few minutes on your drive to and/or from work, or take a second during nap time. It doesn't have to take longer than 5 minutes.
Here are the past 11 days, including today, of what I've given thanks for daily.
Day 1: I'm thankful for my wonderful husband
who is a fantastic father, the perfect best friend who loves me for me,
a devoted son, blessing of a son in law (backs my dad up with all that
estrogen in the house), and over all hard working, loving, christian
man! Thank you boogie for being my prince charming. God gave me you ♥
Day 2: Today I'm super
thankful for my 2 precious girls. They bring me such joy and happiness
on a daily basis, that I can't imagine life without them. I've known
all my life I wanted to be a mommy, and it is the most awesome job title
I hold (besides being Amazing Wife to Garrett) ;). I'm thankful I get to be home with them on a daily basis, even on the not so pretty days,
I still wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I'm proud to say I'm Ava
and Emma's mom, and honored that God tasked me with being able to raise
these 2 firecrackers in a Christian home full of love, laughter, jumping
on mommy and daddy's bed, bedtime stories and prayers, water sprinklers
on the trampoline, 38 chickens, a dog named Johnny Cash, peanut butter
and jelly sandwiches, and so much more! My cup runneth over ♥
Day 3: Today I'm thankful for my relationship with my
Heavenly Father. Without my faith I would not be who I am or where I am
today! I'm thankful that no matter what human mistake I make today, He
is always there and ready to forgive me. He has carried me through many
downs, and praised along side me through the many ups of life. As a
mom, I can't fathom giving one of my children freely to die for the sins
of sinners, but God sent his son to die on the cross for our sins.
That's how much He loves me and each and every one of you. Today, I'm
thankful for that love ♥
Day 4: Today I'm thankful for my amazing parents.
They are always there to support me when I need them. I'm thankful they
didn't execute their famous Cosby saying they loved to recite when
necessary, "I brought you into this world I can take you out of it." I'm
sure there were a small handful (okay probably many) moments of
exasperation, but they never gave up and always continued to help guide
me and lead me to where I am today! I'm thankful to have been raised in a
loving, Christian home with a wonderful example for me to raise my
girls! Thanks mom and dad for being you! I love y'all!!
Day 5: Today I'm thankful for my baby sister. She has
been there to support me through thick and thin. I know that no matter
what, she will always be there for me. I'm thankful I know I can always
count on her. I'm thankful that she loves her nieces oh so much with a
love that is unconditional. She is always up for the challenge of
babysitting and always seems to enjoy it. I'm thankful I can call her my
baby sister. I don't know what I would ever do without her!! I love you
sissy!! ♥
Day 6: Today I'm thankful for my right as an American
citizen to vote. To have the ability to voice my opinion without
fearing for my life is something most take for granted. I'm thankful for
every man and woman who have fought for that right and fought for the
freedoms of our country. I'm thankful for the families and friends who
support those soldiers who have and are fighting for this amazing
country! I'm also thankful that I believe in a mighty God, who will
still be sitting on His throne tomorrow morning, no matter who wins this
election. ♥
Day 7: Today I'm thankful for faith! My faith gives
me the comfort I need to know that no matter who is in control of our
country, God is still in control. I'm thankful for prayer. I'm sure
God's ears are full of prayers today. That's what will get us through
these next 4 years, is praying for the state of our country. Praying for
the leader of our country, that he makes sound decisions and focuses on the important issues. I'm thankful for freedom. I have the freedom to believe in Jesus Christ and am able to go to church when the doors are open and worship with my fellow believers. We will help each other through these next 4 years. We need to focus our eyes on Jesus and work at being fishers of men. Lets put our energy there, not being mad about the election. Lets vote for Jesus and focus on campaigning for Him. ♥
Day 8: Today I'm thankful for our many friends. I
appreciate each and every one of you for blessing my life and my family
each in your own way. I'm thankful to know that you will always be there
when we need you and are always so supportive. You are truly like
family and we love each of you!! You all know who you are :) Thank you
for your unconditional friendship ♥
Day 9: Today I'm thankful for my church family. We
found Waller Baptist Church at a point in our lives where I had just
been laid off and Garrett and I were in need of an amazing church
family. Everyone there welcomed us with open arms and have loved on us,
prayed for us, laughed with us, loved on our kiddos, and accepted us,
proving to be a wonderful church family. Thank you all! We love you guys
Day 10: Today I'm thankful for 5 wonderful years of
marriage to an amazing man! We have been blessed many ways in those 5
years, so much so, that I can't wait to see what blessings will come in
the next 5. I'm blessed to have the man that I will grow old with. Thank
you Garrett for a fantastic 5 years! I love you oh so much and thank
God for you daily!! Happy Anniversary boogie!! ♥
Day 11: Today I'm thankful for the small things. I'm
thankful to wake up in a quiet house (minus my snoring husband) with a
roof over my head in a comfy bed. I'm thankful for the way my oldest
daughter says every morning, "Good morning Mommy. Did you sleep good?"
I'm thankful for the way my youngest daughter will patiently lay in her
bed until you come get her, and when she sees your face, her face lights up and she says "Mommy" almost as if this is her first time seeing you. I'm thankful for the way my husband always kisses me good morning, even if his good morning comes much earlier than mine. I'm thankful for my sweet little family. God has truly blessed my life beyond belief. My cup runneth over ♥
Don't forget to stop and give thanks today. Come back tomorrow for Day 12 of my 30 Days of Thankfulness!
Loves and Hugs!!
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